This past Friday, we watched a small furry mammal predict the weather, and, more importantly, we celebrated the launch of the latest MUSICat site: The Salt Lake City Public Library's HUM (Hear Utah Music), which announced its first open submission round. (Salt Lake City area musicians who want to submit can do so here.) HUM will be a a digital space celebrating Utah’s local music community, curated by a jury of local music advocates and experts.
The Rabble team is thrilled to be working with The City Library, known for its commitment to democracy and eye catching architecture. Our ethos is strongly aligned with the Library's mission to be "a dynamic civic resource that promotes free and open access to information, materials and services to all members of the community to advance knowledge, foster creativity, encourage the exchange of ideas, build community and enhance the quality of life."
HUM will publish its opening collection later this year, and it's bound to be excellent. Salt Lake City has a thriving and diverse music scene that runs the gamut from hip hop to synthpop to country (and more). Stay tuned!