
Artist Honorarium Payment: The payment an artist receives for sharing an album with a library's MUSICat collection. MUSICat Artist Payment Service can pay honorariums anywhere from $100 to $275. (MUSICat default is $200). 

Round Honorariums Payment: The total dollar amount that a library plans to pay to artists during a single submission round. Is equal to the number of invited artists multiplied by the Artist Honorarium Payment.

Round Honorariums Remainder: Any amount left over after all Artist Honorarium Payments for a round have been made by Rabble.

MUSICat Service Fee: Is equal to ten percent of the total Artist Honorariums Payments for a round. Fully covers MUSICat Artist Payments Service including artist communication, payment processing, processor fees, payment confirmation, and payment reporting to libraries.

How it works

Payments to Rabble

At the start of a submission round, the library communicates to Rabble how many albums it plans to publish that round, and what Artist Honorarium Payment it wishes to pay per album. 

Rabble invoices the library for the Round Honorariums Payment. The Round Honorariums Payment must be received by Rabble before the library sends artist invitations to complete their album submissions, so that Artists' payments are not delayed.

Rabble invoices the library for the MUSICat Service Fee either along with the Round Honorariums Payment in the same invoice, OR after the library's submission round is closed and Rabble has dispersed Round Honorariums Payments to artists. The library chooses when it will be invoiced for the MUSICat Service Fee

Payments to Artists

In the MUSICat Administration Console: The library sends invitations to individual artists. Artists sign licenses. Librarians affirm that payment may be sent to artists who have signed licenses.

Rabble then sends Artist Honorarium Payments to artists within 30 days of licensing signing. (In almost every case, artists will receive payments much faster than the 30 day limit.) 

For the pilot of this payment system, Rabble will send paper checks to all artists along with communication explaining the payment process to artists. Electronic payment and Credit Card payment options may later be added.

Rabble will invoice the library for additional Artist Payments if the Library wishes to expand invitations for a round, and will bank any unused totals for future submission rounds for up to a year or return them after the round.

Payment Reporting 

Rabble will provide reporting to the library showing when Artist Honorarium Payments are sent, when Artist Honorarium Payments are cashed, and the remaining balance of the Round Honorariums Payments along with MUSICat Service Fees due or owing.


Rabble charges 10% of the Artist Honorarium Payment amount for each Artist paid. There are no other fees billed to the Library or Artist for MUSICat Artist Payments Service by Rabble or its payment processors.